leadership academy

2024 leadership academy

Saturday, February 3rd, 2024
Shawnee Presbyterian Church, Shawnee, KS

$42 per registrants (includes Food, Fellowship, & Fun!)

A chapter can only be as good as its leaders. Each year, CSD hosts its Leadership Academy for current, incoming, and future chapter leaders to learn about the duties and responsibilities of various officer roles as well as leadership best practices.


Office-Specific Courses & Descriptions

Brett Randolph

This class will provide you with information and resources you need to organize and lead your chapter. More importantly, we will work together as a team to address all your questions and ideas for discussion. Some will come in as first-time leaders and others will have several years of experience in leading their chapter and we will work to cover all your needs. Come prepared with your questions so we can get started quickly. If you already have knowledge make sure you become a part of this class so we can benefit from your experience.

Mark Fuerniss

Acquaint new and veteran chapter leaders, particularly chapter secretaries, with the dynamic BHS Member Center web site for chapter and chorus information and a source for Society operational information. Review role of the chapter secretary regarding membership, incorporation requirements, show clearance procedure, communication along with suggested monthly duties. Use of additional resources viz., Chapter Secretary Manual. Attendees are encouraged to bring a lap top to class.

Larry Warrick & Jeff Arians

In-depth look at chapter accounting as suggested by BHS. A detailed presentation of Quicken using the Society’s accounting process and an overview of Quickbooks. Responsibilities of the treasurer to the chapter are discussed in great detail.

Don Fuson

VP of Chapter Development/Membership
This class will look at the key elements of the VP of Chapter Development/Membership role with an emphasis on communicating with all chapter members, expectations for new and current members, how marketing and membership are linked, and use of the Member Center.

Todd Johnson

VP of Marketing & Public Relations
This class will cover knowing your brand (who are you and what do you want?), developing your audience(s), dripping on the media, using social media effectively, understanding your place in the arts community, and planning ahead, events promotion and membership recruitment. Focus will also be on how to measure the results of your work and positioning the chapter to greater success by finding out what sets your chapter apart from other community arts groups.

Larry Monson

Music Team
The course will cover Choral Leadership for the Chapter Music Team, which includes: What is the role of the Director? Who we are! What function do we serve? What is our purpose? What is our job? We’ll also discover the “Development of musical resources for the Local Chapter such as New music publications, Learn to Sing, Quartet Development, Harmony University, as well as topics such as “Singing is athletic”, physical health, rhythmic coordination, Listen Louder than you sing, and The best singing requires time. Of course there will be plenty of singing and demonstrations. Come and join us as we continue the “Joy of Singing Together”

Elective Classes

Five Functions of a Team - Don Fuson
What is a team anyway and what makes one effective or ineffective? Learn the characteristics of teams that thrive and how you can move your team to be one that achieves the goals that it sets.

Accelerating Leadership Development - Don Fuson
Are there members in your chapter that have more skills than singing? Are you working to learn about those skills and how they can help your chapter? Find out how to take the non-singing skills that your chapter members possess and help your chapter develop its future leaders.

What You Don’t Know About Leadership…but Probably Should - Don Fuson
Leadership has many forms and everyone’s experiences with leadership is different. Leadership is an art with no specific steps for success, but is critical to chapters being able to reach their goals.

more information

For more information about Leadership Academy, contact Chad Schuetz at chadschuetz@att.net.